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Carton of Eggs

Farm Fresh

Buy something from the farm? Well I have all the tips and tricks for you!

Egg Delivery

Egg Storage

Your unwashed eggs CAN be stored on the counter or at room temperature for several days to several weeks!


The general rule of thumb is unwashed eggs can last up to 2 weeks un-refrigerated and up to 3 months in the fridge. If you don't plan to eat them immediately, store them in the fridge.

Once they are stored in the fridge, leave them there, they cannot then be taken out and stored on the counter.​


Egg washing

I recommend waiting to wash your fresh eggs until right before you use them to extend their shelf life and freshness.


To wash our eggs,  simply rinse and rub them under warm water, no soap or other items needed.

Image by Kelly Neil

Extra Info

Not sure if your eggs are still good? Fill a bowl with water and place your eggs in the bowl

If if floats - it's a nope!

If it sinks - good to eat!


Why not wash them?

When a hen lays an egg, a protective layer is deposited on the shell known as "egg bloom" which seals the egg from obtaining bacteria. When the egg is washed, the bloom is washed away therefore no more protective layer and susceptible to bacteria and spoiling faster.


Store your eggs pointy side down and round end up. There is an air sack inside the egg which else keep moisture and reduces evaporation.


Fresh eggs are  much harder to peel but the eggs that have been sitting for a few weeks and that pass the float test, those eggs will be much easier to peel if boiled.


$5 per dozen to venmo cass_mc
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